Here,i am going to list my Top 3 movies.It was difficult to select just three from a bagful but i have managed to arrive at my favourite 3.Here they are....
3)The Illusionist:
This movie is based on Steven Millhauser's story "Eisenheim the Illusionist".After i saw this movie,i was sure this would remain the best movie i ever saw but i changed my mind after i saw the movies that are to follow late
r in my list.The Title of the movie depicts it's climax.Director Neil Burger has given a master Piece through this movie.Edward Norton's performance is extra ordinary.
3)The Illusionist:
This movie is based on Steven Millhauser's story "Eisenheim the Illusionist".After i saw this movie,i was sure this would remain the best movie i ever saw but i changed my mind after i saw the movies that are to follow late

The story starts with a young lad who gets obsessed with magic after his encounter with a traveling magician.He falls in love with Sophie,a girl belonging to a noble family.Eisenhiem's father,a cabinet maker,is employed by sophie's parents.The two,though forbidden to meet each other,get quite close as time passes by.Eisenhiem then goes to China to learn more magic.He then learns the art of MAGIC for many years and soon becomes an Illusionist,a very good one too!!!And then,one day,he meets sophie,who is to marry the crown prince,at a Perfromance.And then,the story kicks off.Whether he manages to get his child hood love back is the main theme of the story.On the way to the climax,the story takes a lot of twists and also involves Inspector Uhl,casted perfectly by Paul Giamatti.
If anybody has not watched this movie,Please do watch it at the earliest :)!!!
2)The Pursuit Of happyness:
"Pursuit Of......"! i have lost count of how many times i have watched this movie.I have given this movie second place mainly for the performance of Will Smith.Not that the story is bad but Will Smith is phenominal in this movie.This is the real story of Chris Gardner,the founder of Gardner Rich!The role of Chris Gardner has been played by Will Smith.Actually,the apperance of the original chris Gardner in the last scene adds a kick to the story :) Jaden smith,Will smith's real son,also plays the role of chris Gardner's son!The film has been directed by Gabriele Muccino
Chris Gardener is a married young man who finds it difficult to make ends meet.He sells medical equipments to hospitals.His wife,dis appointed with him and doesn't find him very trust worthy,desserts him,leaving 5 year old son,Christopher,under

Here is what an official at the firm says to the interns on the first day of his internship....
"Some of you are here because you KNOW some body
Some of you are here because you THINK you are some body
One of you here is going to be THAT some body!!!" :):):)
These lines really impressed me a lot.And then the story takes the route of how Chris Gardner finds his way in to the firm as a permanent employee amidst many difficulties....he even gets home less at one stage!Christopher Gardner(Jaden smith) is very cute and his silly replies to Chris Gardner's questions are hilarious,like for example his reply to "who is the king of the jungle?" as "Gorilla" And not wanting to sit in a BOX to watch a foot ball match mistaking the BOX seat for a card board box,are amusing :)
Chris Gardner eventually goes on to establish his own firm "Gardner Rich" which he,a few years back,sold a minority stake for a multi million dollar deal!!!
Over all,the film has the perfect mix of emotions,humour and also has the ideal cast.Cheers!
1)The Bridge On the River Kwai:
This movie is probably the greatest movie ever made...atleast the greatest War movie ever made.The movie was directed by David Lean and Alec Guiness plays the Lead role.The movie has a tragic ending and i guess that is what has made this movie so special!

Alec Guinness plays the role of Colonel Nicholson.He,along with his Officers and other soldiers,is taken as a Prisoner Of War in a Japenese World War II camp.Colonel Saito,a very strict officer,is the chief of the Japanese camp.The British Officers are asked to work along with the other soldiers but Colonel Nicholson stands by his officers claiming that Officers are not to perform manual labours.But colonel Saito stands adamant and even tortures Colonel Nicholson to order his officers to report for work.But colonel Nicholson is a very proud man and he is undaunted by Colonel Saito's tortures.After a few days,General Saito finally agrees to exempt the Officers of the british army from manual labour.Then,Saito tells Nicholson about his project to build a bridge,across the river kwai,that he has to complete with in 3 months.Colonel Nicholson orders his troupes to help the japanese soldiers in building the Bridge and this time,He actually gets his OFFICERS to work!Colonel Nicholson and his soldiers work very hard to build the bridge.After weeks of struggle and some very good engineering by the British Officers,the Bridge is complete and ready to be opened.Mean while,a british officer,Shears,escapes from the Japanese camp and reaches the British Camp.A british troop with shears by their side,has planned to blow up the bridge.The Bridge,if completed,would be fatal to the British!The British troop,navigated by Shears,arrive at the spot just before the bridge is to be crossed by it's first train and they take their positions.Colonel Nicholson is walking proudly up and down the bridge.And then.....
Alec Guinness is now my all time favourite actor and some of his other movies like "The Lawrence Of Arabia","Great Expectations", are equally spectacular.And as for the climax of the story,well,it's too extra-ordinary for me to express.Please,dont miss it! :)
Some other movies that,i consider,are very good are No man's Land,Forest Gump,Anbe Sivam(Tamil) and Blood Diamond.
Though seen none of these 3 movies, will make it a point to watch them after reading the reviews here. Blood Diamond is one of my favourites too. Great movie.
Great post Kartick! Continue writing! :)
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